This Friday's Staff Feature Friday puts the spotlight on one of our High School Math Teachers, Mrs. Megan Brown. Mrs. Brown also serves as a Junior High Girls Basketball Coach and Head Girls Soccer Coach.
Mrs. Brown's family consists of her husband Brandon who also teaches and coaches at WHS and their daughter Alexis, a 6th Grader at Wapello Junior High School.
Mrs. Brown holds an Undergraduate Degree from Ashford University in Secondary Education with a major in Mathematics, her coaching endorsement, and a minor in psychology. She is also a graduate of the University of Phoenix with a Masters Degree in Curriculum and Development in Mathematics. She has a total of 14 years of experience in education and has spent the last 11 years at Wapello High School.
In her spare time, you will find Mrs. Brown spending time with her family, coaching HS Girls Soccer and JH Girls Basketball. She and her husband Brandon also have a side business, Full Tilt Fowlers. Brandon turns the duck and goose calls while Megan makes the lanyards and other paracord items. Any spare time that is left, you will find a good book in Mrs. Brown's hands.
When we asked Mrs. Brown what she liked best about working at the Wapello Community School District, she had this to say, "I enjoy the staff here at Wapello and how the administration will support teacher decisions. Many of the teachers in the building are my friends outside of school, and our children are growing up together. I also work with many of the students outside of school during the summer or through our business. The community is supportive of the school and athletics/activities, which is fantastic. Parents and other community members feel comfortable talking to the teachers and vice versa. I really enjoy the small-town atmosphere and the students and staff here at Wapello."
Congratulations to Mrs. Brown on being selected for today's Staff Feature Friday, check back next Friday to see who we spotlight for the next installment of our Staff Feature Friday!
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